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Product transports

POST /product/transport

Retrieve a list of all transports for a given product.

Missing history

Dansk Auto Logik transports will always contain an empty array in transports[].history
This is due to our integration only storing the most recent status code from provider.

Pickup date naming

For transports where provider equals danskautologik the date returned in pickupDate may not be the actual pickup date.
But instead contains the user requested pickup date, while Dansk Auto Logik may attempt to honor this request, it is not guaranteed.

Limited integration

We currently only handles a limited set of status codes provided by Dansk Auto Logik.
Current supported statuses we may return are created, transit and delivered.
As a result, transports being in vain or cancelled may never reach a 'delivered' state.

    // ..multiple identifiers supported,
    // any one of is required.

    "args": {
        "order": enum

Table legend
Property is required, for child properties this only applies when parent is required.
Either property is required.
Property is optional.

Parameter Required Description
productID This is the primary identifier, obtained through /product/create
vehicleIdentificationNumber This should be your 17 character VIN
AP30Guid A unique product UUID provided by AP *
AP30Pno The main product number provided by AP *
args An object of key-value pairs, where key is the field key used by Fleet.
args.order Change the sorting direction of returned transports, sorted by transport creation date, can be ASC for ascending, DESC for descending, default is DESC

* Not all products be have a GUID or PNO readily available.
For instance if a product is created via /product/create and no GUID was provided, or a PNO is not created yet. in such cases GUID's will only be available after we've obtained it through a background task.

"message": {
    "vehicleIdentificationNumber": string,
    "hasActiveTransport": bool,
    "timezone": "Europe/Copenhagen",
    "transports": [
            "provider": string,
            "status": string,
            "externalID": int|string,
            "createdAt": string,
            "statusCheckedAt": string,
            "updates": array,
            "comment": string,
            "pickupCompanyName": string,
            "pickupAddress": string,
            "pickupPhone": string,
            "pickupEmail": string,
            "pickupDate": date,
            "deliveryCompanyName": string,
            "deliveryAddress": string,
            "deliveryPhone": string,
            "deliveryEmail": string,
            "deliveryDate": date
"status": "success"
Parameter Description
message.timezone Timezone of all timestamps provided in response
message.hasActiveTransport true if latest transport has a non-final status
message.transports[].provider String representing the transport provider
message.transports[].status String representing the most recent status code
message.transports[].externalID The primary key/order ID provided by the transport partner
message.transports[].createdAt Date the transport was created in FLEETproff
message.transports[].statusCheckedAt Date and time we last checked for updates on this transport
message.transports[].updates If applicable, array of all status updates for this transport
message.transports[].comment Comment for the transport, may contain newlines
    $ch = curl_init();

    curl_setopt_array($ch, [
        CURLOPT_URL => 'YOUR-BASEURL/product/update-fields',
            "AP30Pno": "2135678987654",
            "fields": {
                "registrationNumber": "AB12345",
                "firstRegistrationDate": "2023-02-01",
                "brand": "Tesla",
                "model": "Model Y",
                "variant": "Test",
                "isDrivable": 1,
                "mileage": 12333,
                "location": "Dansk Autologik, Balstrupvej 91, 4100 Ringsted"
            'Content-Type: application/json',
            'X-Api-Key: YOUR-API-KEY'

    $response = curl_exec($ch);
