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GET /product/search/:key/:value

This is key of the field your wish to search by.
Must be one of: productID, vehicleIdentificationNumber, registrationNumber, AP30Pno

The value that you want :key to match against.
If the user to which your API key belongs does not have the Edit all products permission, a search will only be conducted within the scope of your company.

Wildcards '%' are supported in this argument.

URL encoding

When using wildcards, remember to pass the whole :value argument through a URL encode function. such as PHP's urlencode();

    "message": array,
    "status": enum
    $ch = curl_init();

    curl_setopt_array($ch, [
        CURLOPT_URL => 'YOUR-BASEURL/product/search?fields=vehicleIdentificationNumber,createdAt,AP30Pno',
            'Content-Type: application/json',
            'X-Api-Key: YOUR-API-KEY'

    $response = curl_exec($ch);

Parameter Required Description
fields A comma seperated string of fields to retrieve in your search results. Call /product/fields for a list of available fields

Use the fields parameter to dictate the fields you need for each product object in the response array. If your search did not yield any results, an empty array will be returned.

A typical request URI might look like this:

GET /product/search/vehicleIdentificationNumber/AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA?fields=createdAt,AP30Pno,registrationNumber

Or, using a wildcard to search for VINS ending with:

GET /product/search/vehicleIdentificationNumber/%AAAA?fields=createdAt,AP30Pno,registrationNumber

Custom fields can have an optional machine name (formerly base names) attached to them, you will get any value for such fields back with the same key as requested in the fields argument.

GET /product/search/:key/:value?fields=customField_xx,customField_yy
  "message": [
      "customField_xx": "customField_xx_value",
      "customField_yy": "customField_yy_value"
  "status": "success"

If customField_xx has a machine name added f.x. integratorID then customField_xx can be optionally replaced.

GET /product/search/:key/:value?fields=integratorID,customField_yy
  "message": [
      "integratorID": "customField_xx_value",
      "customField_yy": "customField_yy_value"
  "status": "success"