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Assign product to commission

POST /commission/assign

Assign the given VI to commission partner. It is required that the product has a pre-defined commission partner before it can be assigned.

When sendEmailNotification is set to true a notification e-mail will be sent to the assigned commission partner, letting them know the product is now available.
Default is true.

You may use fields.assignedToCommissionPartnerDate to set the date a product was assigned to commission partner, defaults to current date if not set.

    "vehicleIdentificationNumber": string,
    "fields": {
        "commissionPrice": int,
        "commissionFee": int,
        "salesPriceDealer": int,
        "assignedToCommissionPartnerDate": string // d-m-y or Y-m-d
    "sendEmailNotification": bool
    "message": string,
    "status": enum
    $ch = curl_init();

    curl_setopt_array($ch, [
        CURLOPT_URL => '',
            "vehicleIdentificationNumber": "2135678987654",
            "fields": {
                "commissionPrice": "23000",
                "commissionFee": "3000",
                "salesPriceDealer": "26000",
                "assignedToCommissionPartnerDate": "2024-05-21"
            "sendEmailNotification": true

            'X-Api-Key: YOUR-API-KEY'

    $response = curl_exec($ch);



Parameter Required Description
vehicleIdentificationNumber This is your 17 character VIN
fields An object of key-value pairs, where key is the field key used by Fleet.
fields.* Optional values for commission to change before assigning.
sendEmailNotification Enable/Disable e-mail notification

Errors codes

Status Code Error Message Description
404 Not Found Product not found with VIN %s The vehicleIdentificationNumber is not provided in the request body body.
409 Conflict Product cannot be assigned as no commission partner has been set. The product cannot be assigned because there is no commission partner set for the product, one must be assigned manually.
422 Unprocessable Entity Field '%s' has no predefined value, and none was provided. One of the optional fields (commissionPrice, commissionFee, salesPriceDealer, assignedToCommissionPartnerDate) has no predefined value and none was provided in the request body.
422 Unprocessable Entity '%s' must be a numeric value One of the fields (commissionPrice, commissionFee, salesPriceDealer, commissionPartnerID) contains a non-numeric value.
422 Unprocessable Entity Commission partner has no e-mail set for notifications The predefined commissions partner does not have a valid e-mail adress, this must be corrected by your support rep