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Getting started


The FLEETproff API operates with three different environments


It is strongly recommended that you configure your application to integrate with the corrosponding environments, in order to ease testing and coordinate releases.

The above URLs will be considered as the baseurl for all endpoints described in this documentation.
Therefore all endpoints is to be considered relative to the baseurl you're integrating with.


All HTTP requests require the following headers to be set.


Accept: application/json

If you have not yet recieved your api key, please make an inquiry to your dedicated FLEETproff contact person.


All requests expect your request body to be in JSON format.

In case of error, you'll also be given the following JSON and a HTTP code >= 400.

    "message": "Some error message",
    "status": "error"

When succesfull a HTTP code < 400 will be returned.
In its current version this API does not perform any redirects in the 300 range, however for future compatibility it is advised to consider those a successful redirect and follow the Location header.

Message content will vary depending on endpoint requested.

    "message": mixed,
    "status": "success"

Deviations from these rules, will be documented where applicable.